The goal of this study is to learn more about the efficacy and safety of BMS-986363 in participants with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma.
This trial is currently open and accepting patients.
This trial is seeking approximately 150 participants. Participants will receive BMS-986393, an investigational, autologous CAR T-cell therapy.
Participants will start the process of receiving BMS-986393 by undergoing a process called leukapheresis. This means that T cells will be removed from their blood and changed in a laboratory to become the investigational CAR T-cell therapy, BMS-986393. During the time that BMS-986393 is being manufactured, participants will receive mandatory bridging therapy.
These investigational BMS-986393 CAR T-cells are then given back by intravenous infusion. Before receiving investigational BMS-986393, participants will receive a conditioning regimen of chemotherapy over three days.
Participants may be hospitalized while receiving BMS-986393 or may receive investigational BMS-986393 at a qualified outpatient center depending on the investigators discretion. Participants will need to be closely monitored after receiving investigational BMS-986393. Patients will need to stay within a 30-minute transportation ride to the study site for at least 7 days and then within 120-minute transportation ride to the site and have a dedicated full-time caregiver or caregivers until 1 month after the investigational BMS-986393 infusion.
The following criteria is a partial list of reasons why patients may be eligible to participate in this clinical trial. Further evaluation with a medical professional is required.
Phase 2
Enrollment: 175 patients (estimated)
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Birmingham, AL
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Denver, CO
Chicago, IL
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St. Louis, MO
New Brunswick, NJ
Chapel Hill, NC
Columbus, OH
Dallas, TX
Seattle, WA
Madison, WI
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