Investigation of the Genetics of Hematologic Diseases GENETICS IN HEMATOLOGICAL DISEASES

What's the purpose of this trial?

The purpose of this study is to collect and store samples and health information for current and future research to learn more about the causes and treatment of blood diseases. This is not a therapeutic or diagnostic protocol for clinical purposes. Blood, bone marrow, hair follicles, nail clippings, urine, saliva and buccal swabs, left over tissue, as well as health information will be used to study and learn about blood diseases by using genetic and/or genomic research. In general, genetic research studies specific genes of an individual; genomic research studies the complete genetic makeup of an individual. It is not known why many people have blood diseases, because not all genes causing these diseases have been found. It is also not known why some people with the same disease are sicker than others, but this may be related to their genes. By studying the genomes in individuals with blood diseases and their family members, the investigators hope to learn more about how diseases develop and respond to treatment which may provide new and better ways to diagnose and treat blood diseases.

This trial is currently open and accepting patients.

What will happen during the trial?

You may be able to join this trial if you:

The following criteria is a partial list of reasons why patients may be eligible to participate in this clinical trial. Further evaluation with a medical professional is required.

Inclusion Criteria:

* An individual (proband) receiving therapy or expert consultation regarding a non-malignant hematologic disorder, MDS or MPN.
* A biologically-related individual to the identified proband to include: first, second or third degree relatives.

Exclusion Criteria:

* None

Additional Trial Information

Observational Trial

Enrollment: 1,716 patients (estimated)

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St. Jude Children's Research Center

Memphis, TN

Open and Accepting
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