Testing the Use of Combination Therapy in Adult Patients With Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma, the EQUATE Trial EQUATE

What's the purpose of this trial?

This phase III trial compares the combination of four drugs (daratumumab, bortezomib, lenalidomide and dexamethasone) to the use of a three drug combination (daratumumab, lenalidomide and dexamethasone).

This trial is currently open and accepting patients.

What will happen during the trial?

This phase III trial compares the combination of four drugs (daratumumab, bortezomib, lenalidomide and dexamethasone) to the use of a three drug combination (daratumumab, lenalidomide and dexamethasone). Bortezomib may stop the growth of cancer cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. Chemotherapy drugs, such as lenalidomide, work in different ways to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells, by stopping them from dividing, or by stopping them from spreading. Daratumumab is a monoclonal antibody that may interfere with the ability of cancer cells to grow and spread. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as dexamethasone lower the body's immune response and are used with other drugs in the treatment of some types of cancer. Adding bortezomib to daratumumab, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone may be more effective in shrinking the cancer or preventing it from returning, compared to continuing on daratumumab, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone.

You may be able to join this trial if you:

The following criteria is a partial list of reasons why patients may be eligible to participate in this clinical trial. Further evaluation with a medical professional is required.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • STEP 0 - Patient must have an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status (PS) of 0-2 (PS 3 allowed if secondary to pain)
  • STEP 0 - Patient must have newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) by International Myeloma Working Group (IMWG) criteria
  • STEP 0 - Patient must agree to register to the mandatory REVLIMID Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (RevREMS) program and be willing and able to comply with the requirements of RevREMS
  • STEP 0 - Patient must be able to undergo diagnostic bone marrow aspirate following preregistration.

    • NOTE: Bone marrow aspirate specimen must be submitted to Adaptive Biotechnologies for clonoSEQ Assay
    • NOTE: Adaptive Biotechnologies will release results to the diagnostic Portal from the Clonality (ID) test within fourteen (14) days of receipt and reconciliation of fresh bone marrow specimen to the submitting institution
  • STEP 1 - Patient must meet all eligibility criteria in STEP 0 with exception of allergy requirement
  • STEP 1 - Institution must have received the Clonality (ID) test results from Adaptive Biotechnologies and dominant sequences were identified
  • STEP 1 - Patient must have standard risk MM as defined by the Revised International Staging System (RISS) stage I or II
    • NOTE: R-ISS stage is based on serum beta2 microglobulin, albumin and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels along with presence of chromosomal abnormalities (CA) detected by interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization (iFISH). Presence of del(17p), t(4;14), and/or t(14;16) is considered high risk and absence of these, including any other findings, are standard risk
    • R-ISS stage
      • Stage I: ISS stage I [beta2 macroglobulin < 3.5 mg/L, albumin > 3.5 g/dL] AND standard-risk CA AND normal LDH
      • Stage II: Not R-ISS stage I or III
      • Stage III: ISS stage III [beta2 macroglobulin > 5.5 mg/L] AND high-risk CA OR high LDH (> upper limit of normal) [patients with stage III are ineligible]
  • STEP 1 - Patient must have measurable or evaluable disease as defined by having one or more of the following, obtained within 28 days prior to registration:

    • >= 1 g/dL monoclonal protein (M-protein) on serum protein electrophoresis
    • >= 200 mg/24 hours of monoclonal protein on a 24-hour urine protein electrophoresis
    • Involved free light chain >= 10 mg/dL or >= 100 mg/L AND abnormal serum immunoglobulin kappa to lambda free light chain ratio (< 0.26 or > 1.65)
    • Monoclonal bone marrow plasmacytosis >= 30% (evaluable disease)
  • STEP 1 - Patients must have a serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP), urine protein electrophoresis (UPEP), and serum free light chain (FLC) assay performed within 28 days prior to registration. In addition, a bone marrow biopsy and/or aspirate is required within 28 days if bone marrow is being followed for response

    • NOTE: UPEP (on a 24-hour collection) is required, no substitute method is acceptable. Urine must be followed monthly if the baseline urine M-spike is >= 200 mg/24 hr. Please note that if both serum and urine M-components are present, both must be followed in order to evaluate response
    • NOTE: The serum free light chain test is required to be done if the patient does not have measurable disease in the serum or urine. Measurable disease in the serum is defined as having a serum M-spike >= 1 g/dL. Measurable disease in the urine is defined as having a urine M-spike >= 200 mg/24 hr
  • STEP 1 - Calculated creatinine clearance > 30 mL/min (obtained =< 14 days prior to Step 1 registration)
  • STEP 1 - Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >= 1000/mm^3 (obtained =< 14 days prior to Step 1 registration)
  • STEP 1 - Untransfused platelet count >= 75,000/mm^3 (obtained =< 14 days prior to Step 1 registration)
  • STEP 1 - Hemoglobin >= 8.0 g/dL (obtained =< 14 days prior to Step 1 registration)
  • STEP 1 - Total bilirubin =< 1.5 x ULN (institutional upper limit of normal) (obtained =< 14 days prior to Step 1 registration)
  • STEP 1 - Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) =< 3 x ULN (obtained =< 14 days prior to Step 1 registration)
  • STEP 1 - Patient must have received no more than one cycle (28 days or less) of prior chemotherapy and no more than 160 mg of prior dexamethasone (or equivalent dose of prednisone) for treatment of symptomatic myeloma. Patient must not have been exposed to daratumumab for treatment of symptomatic myeloma. Prior radiation therapy to symptomatic lesions is allowed provided there are no residual toxicity related to radiation and blood counts meet the study requirements. Radiation treatment must be completed at least 14 days prior to Step 1 registration
  • STEP 1 - Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients on effective anti-retroviral therapy with undetectable viral load within 6 months of randomization are eligible for this trial
  • STEP 1 - For patients with evidence of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, the HBV viral load must be undetectable on suppressive therapy, if indicated
  • STEP 1 - Patients with a history of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection must have been treated and cured. For patients with HCV infection who are currently on treatment, they are eligible if they have an undetectable HCV viral load
  • STEP 1 - Patients with a prior or concurrent malignancy whose natural history or treatment does not have the potential to interfere with the safety or efficacy assessment of the investigational regimen are eligible for this trial
  • STEP 1 - Patients with known history or current symptoms of cardiac disease, or history of treatment with cardiotoxic agents, should have a clinical risk assessment of cardiac function using the New York Heart Association Functional Classification. To be eligible for this trial, patients should be class 2B or better. Patients must not have evidence of current uncontrolled cardiovascular conditions, including hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, unstable angina, or myocardial infarction within 6 months prior to Step 1 registration
  • STEP 1 - Patient may have a history of current or previous deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) but must be willing to take some form of anti-coagulation as prophylaxis if they are not currently on full-dose anticoagulation
  • STEP 1 - Patients with a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) must have FEV1 testing done within 28 days prior to Step 1 registration and the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) must be > 50% of predicted normal
  • STEP 2 - Institution must have received Tracking (MRD) test results from Adaptive Biotechnologies
  • STEP 2 - Patient must have completed the Step 1 Induction phase of this protocol without experiencing progression
  • STEP 2 - Patient must be registered to Step 2 within 8 weeks of completing Step 1 Induction Treatment, counting from last day of completion of last cycle
  • STEP 2 - Patient must have an ECOG performance status (PS) of 0-2 (PS 3 allowed if secondary to pain)
  • STEP 2 - Any adverse event(s) related to Step 1 Induction Treatment must have resolved to grade 2 or less
  • STEP 2 - Hemoglobin >= 8 g/dL (obtained within 14 days prior to Step 2 randomization)
  • STEP 2 - Platelet count >= 50,000/mm^3 (obtained within 14 days prior to Step 2 randomization)
  • STEP 2 - Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) >= 1000/mm^3 (obtained within 14 days prior to Step 2 randomization)
  • STEP 2 - Calculated creatinine clearance >= 30 mL/min (obtained within 14 days prior to Step 2 randomization)
  • STEP 2 - Total bilirubin =< 1.5 x ULN (Institutional upper limit of normal) (obtained within 14 days prior to Step 2 randomization)
  • STEP 2 - ALT and AST < 3 x ULN (obtained within 14 days prior to Step 2 randomization)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • STEP 0 - Patient must not have any known allergies, hypersensitivity, or intolerance to corticosteroids, monoclonal antibodies or human proteins, or their excipients (refer to respective package inserts or Investigator's Brochure), or known sensitivity to mammalian-derived products
  • STEP 1 - Women must not be pregnant or breast-feeding due to the potential harm and teratogenic effects to an unborn fetus and possible risk for adverse events in nursing infants with the treatment regimens being used. All females of childbearing potential must have a blood test or urine study with a sensitivity of at least 25 mIU/mL within 10-14 days prior to Step 1 registration to rule out pregnancy and again within 24 hours prior to the first dose of lenalidomide. Females of childbearing potential must also agree to ongoing pregnancy testing while on protocol treatment. A female of childbearing potential is defined as any woman, regardless of sexual orientation or whether they have undergone tubal ligation, who meets the following criteria:

    • Has achieved menarche at some point,
    • Has not undergone a hysterectomy or bilateral oophorectomy; or
    • Has not been naturally postmenopausal (amenorrhea following cancer therapy does not rule out childbearing potential) for at least 24 consecutive months (i.e., has had menses at any time in the preceding 24 consecutive months)
  • STEP 1 - Women of childbearing potential must not expect to conceive children by using accepted and effective method(s) of contraception (for this protocol defined as the use of TWO acceptable methods of birth control, one highly effective method and one additional effective method AT THE SAME TIME for 1) at least 28 days before starting protocol treatment; 2) while participating in the study; 3) during dose interruptions; and 4) for at least 3 months days after the last dose of protocol treatment) OR by practicing true abstinence from sexual intercourse for the duration of their participation in the study (periodic abstinence [e.g., calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, post-ovulation methods] and withdrawal are not acceptable methods of contraception). Men must not expect to father children by practicing true abstinence from sexual intercourse for the duration of their participation in the study (periodic abstinence [e.g., calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, post-ovulation methods] and withdrawal are not acceptable methods of contraception) OR use a latex condom during sexual contact with a female of child bearing potential while participating in the study and for at least 3 months after the last dose of protocol treatment even if they have had a successful vasectomy. Men must also agree to abstain from donating sperm while on study treatment and for 3 months after the last dose of protocol treatment even if they have had a successful vasectomy. Both women and men must both agree to abstain from donating blood during study participation and for at least 28 days after the last dose of protocol treatment
  • STEP 1 - Patient must not have peripheral neuropathy >= grade 2 on clinical examination or grade 1 with pain at time of Step 1 registration
  • STEP 1 - Patient must not have any serious medical or psychiatric illness that could, in the investigator's opinion, potentially interfere with the completion of treatment according to this protocol
  • STEP 1 - Patient must not have moderate or severe persistent asthma within the past 2 years, or uncontrolled asthma of any classification

    • NOTE: Patients who currently have controlled intermittent asthma or controlled mild persistent asthma are allowed to register
  • STEP 1 - Patient must not receive any other concurrent chemotherapy, or any ancillary therapy considered investigational while on this protocol

    • NOTE: Bisphosphonates are considered to be supportive care rather than therapy, and are thus allowed while on protocol treatment
  • STEP 2 - Patient must not have received any non-protocol therapy outside of the assigned Step 1 Induction treatment including stem cell transplant
  • STEP 2 - Women must not be pregnant or breast-feeding due to the potential harm and teratogenic effects to an unborn fetus and possible risk for adverse events in nursing infants with the treatment regimens being used. All females of childbearing potential must have a blood test or urine study with a sensitivity of at least 25 mIU/mL within 10-14 days prior to Step 2 randomization to rule out pregnancy and again within 24 hours prior to the first dose of lenalidomide. Females of childbearing potential must also agree to ongoing pregnancy testing while on protocol treatment. A female of childbearing potential is defined as any woman, regardless of sexual orientation or whether they have undergone tubal ligation, who meets the following criteria:

    • Has achieved menarche at some point,
    • Has not undergone a hysterectomy or bilateral oophorectomy; or
    • Has not been naturally postmenopausal (amenorrhea following cancer therapy does not rule out childbearing potential) for at least 24 consecutive months (i.e., has had menses at any time in the preceding 24 consecutive months).
  • STEP 2 - Women of childbearing potential must not expect to conceive children by using accepted and effective method(s) of contraception (for this protocol defined as the use of TWO acceptable methods of birth control, one highly effective method and one additional effective method AT THE SAME TIME for 1) at least 28 days before starting protocol treatment; 2) while participating in the study; 3) during dose interruptions; and 4) for at least 3 months days after the last dose of protocol treatment) OR by practicing true abstinence from sexual intercourse for the duration of their participation in the study (periodic abstinence [e.g., calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, post-ovulation methods] and withdrawal are not acceptable methods of contraception).

Men must not expect to father children by practicing true abstinence from sexual intercourse for the duration of their participation in the study (periodic abstinence [e.g., calendar, ovulation, symptothermal, post-ovulation methods] and withdrawal are not acceptable methods of contraception) OR use a latex condom during sexual contact with a female of child bearing potential while participating in the study and for at least 3 months after the last dose of protocol treatment even if they have had a successful vasectomy. Men must also agree to abstain from donating sperm while on study treatment and for 3 months after the last dose of protocol treatment even if they have had a successful vasectomy. Both women and men must both agree to abstain from donating blood during study participation and for at least 28 days after the last dose of protocol treatment

Additional Trial Information

Phase 3

Enrollment: 1,450 patients (estimated)

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Trial Locations

This clinical trial is not limited to the sites that you find listed below. If you are a patient and do not see your center listed as a participating site below, please contact SparkCures at (888) 828-2206 for additional assistance.

All Trial Locations

View all clinical trial locations sorted by state.


Anchorage Oncology Centre

Anchorage, AK

Temporarily Suspended

Katmai Oncology Group

Anchorage, AK

Open and Accepting

Providence Alaska Medical Center

Anchorage, AK

Open and Accepting

Alaska Women's Cancer Care

Anchorage, AK

Open and Accepting

Alaska Oncology and Hematology LLC

Anchorage, AK

Open and Accepting

Alaska Breast Care and Surgery LLC

Anchorage, AK

Open and Accepting

Anchorage Radiation Therapy Center

Anchorage, AK

Open and Accepting

Anchorage Associates in Radiation Medicine

Anchorage, AK

Open and Accepting


Cancer Center at St. Joseph's

Phoenix, AZ

Open and Accepting

University of Arizona Cancer Center

Tucson, AZ

Open and Accepting

Banner Health University Medical Center

Tucson, AZ

Open and Accepting

Arizona Oncology - Rudasill Tucson - Rudasill - Medical Oncology

Tucson, AZ

Open and Accepting


Mercy Hospital Fort Smith

Fort Smith, AR

Open and Accepting

CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs Cancer Center

Hot Springs, AR

Temporarily Suspended

CARTI Cancer Center

Little Rock, AR

Open and Accepting

Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System VA Central Arkansas

Little Rock, AR

Temporarily Suspended


Dignity Health Mission Hope Cancer Center - Arroyo Grande

Arroyo Grande, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Auburn Faith Hospital

Auburn, CA

Open and Accepting

Alta Bates Cancer Care Center

Berkeley, CA

Open and Accepting

Mercy Cancer Center Mercy San Juan Medical Center

Carmichael, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Davis Hospital

Davis, CA

Open and Accepting

Mercy Cancer Center - Elk Grove

Elk Grove, CA

Open and Accepting

Palo Alto Medical Foundation (Mountain View)

Mountain View, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Cancer Research Consortium

Novato, CA

Open and Accepting

Palo Alto Medical Foundation - Sutter Cancer Research Consortium

Palo Alto, CA

Open and Accepting

Mercy Cancer Center - Rocklin

Rocklin, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Health Medical Foundation - Roseville

Roseville, CA

Open and Accepting

Mercy Cancer Center

Sacramento, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter General Hospital - Sacramento - Sutter Cancer Research Consortium

Sacramento, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Health California Pacific Medical Center (Webster)

San Francisco, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Cancer Research Consortium - Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, CA

Open and Accepting

Mission Hope Cancer Center (Santa Maria) Central Coast Medical Oncology

Santa Maria, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Cancer Research Consortium - Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation

Santa Rosa, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Cancer Research Consortium - Sunnyvale Center

Sunnyvale, CA

Open and Accepting

Sutter Solano Cancer Center

Vallejo, CA

Open and Accepting

Woodland Memorial Hospital

Woodland, CA

Open and Accepting


Littleton Adventist Hospital

Centennial, CO

Temporarily Suspended

Centura Penrose Hospital

Colorado Springs, CO

Open and Accepting

Rocky Mountain Cancer Center - Penrose Hospital Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs, CO

Open and Accepting

St. Francis Medical Center Catholic Health Initiatives

Colorado Springs, CO

Open and Accepting

Porter Adventist Hospital

Denver, CO

Temporarily Suspended

Centura Mercy Hospital

Durango, CO

Open and Accepting

Centura Southwest Oncology

Durango, CO

Open and Accepting

Centura St. Anthony Hospital

Lakewood, CO

Open and Accepting

Centura Longmont United Hospital

Longmont, CO

Open and Accepting

Rocky Mountain Cancer Centers (Longmont) Longmont

Longmont, CO

Temporarily Suspended

Centura Parker Adventist Hospital

Parker, CO

Temporarily Suspended

Saint Mary Corwin Medical Center

Pueblo, CO

Open and Accepting


Smilow Cancer Hospital The Center for Cancer Care at Griffin Hospital

Derby, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital

Fairfield, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital Saint Francis Hospital

Glastonbury, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital

Greenwich, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital Shoreline Medical Center

Guilford, CT

Open and Accepting

Hartford Hospital

Hartford, CT

Open and Accepting

Midstate Medical Center

Meriden, CT

Open and Accepting

The Hartford HealthCare Cancer Institute The Hospital of Central Connecticut

New Britain, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven

New Haven, CT

Open and Accepting

North Haven Medical Center Yale-New Haven Hospital

North Haven, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital Yale New Haven Health

Orange, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital

Torrington, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital Park Avenue Medical Center

Trumbull, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital The Harold Leever Regional Cancer Center

Waterbury, CT

Open and Accepting

Smilow Cancer Hospital L+M Waterford Cancer Care Center

Waterford, CT

Open and Accepting


ChristianaCare Hematology

Newark, DE

Open and Accepting

ChristianaCare Helen F. Graham Cancer Center Christiana Hospital

Newark, DE

Open and Accepting

Nanticoke Memorial Hospital

Seaford, DE

Temporarily Suspended


Holy Cross Hospital

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Open and Accepting

Sacred Heart Medical Oncology Group

Pensacola, FL

Open and Accepting

Saint Mary's Hospital

West Palm Beach, FL

Open and Accepting


Grady Memorial Hospital

Atlanta, GA

Open and Accepting


Saint Alphonsus Cancer Care Center (Boise)

Boise City, ID

Open and Accepting

Saint Alphonsus Cancer Care Center (Caldwell)

Caldwell, ID

Open and Accepting

Kootenai Clinic Cancer Services - Coeur d'Alene

Coeur d'Alene, ID

Open and Accepting

Walter Knox Memorial Hospital

Emmett, ID

Open and Accepting

Saint Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute (Fruitland)

Fruitland, ID

Open and Accepting

St. Luke's Cancer Institute (Meridian)

Meridian, ID

Open and Accepting

Idaho Urologic Institute

Meridian, ID

Open and Accepting

Saint Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute (Nampa)

Nampa, ID

Open and Accepting

Saint Alphonsus Cancer Care Center (Nampa)

Nampa, ID

Open and Accepting

Kootenai Cancer Center

Post Falls, ID

Open and Accepting

Kootenai Clinic

Sandpoint, ID

Open and Accepting

Saint Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute (Twin Falls)

Twin Falls, ID

Open and Accepting


OSF Saint Anthony's Health

Alton, IL

Open and Accepting

Rush - Copley Medical Center

Aurora, IL

Open and Accepting

Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital

Barrington, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare (Bloomington)

Bloomington, IL

Open and Accepting

Loyola Center for Health at Burr Ridge

Burr Ridge, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare (Canton)

Canton, IL

Open and Accepting

Memorial Hospital of Carbondale

Carbondale, IL

Open and Accepting

SIH Cancer Institute

Carterville, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare (Carthage)

Carthage, IL

Open and Accepting

Centralia Oncology Clinic

Centralia, IL

Open and Accepting

Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center

Chicago, IL

Open and Accepting

John H. Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County

Chicago, IL

Open and Accepting

AMG Crystal Lake - Oncology

Crystal Lake, IL

Open and Accepting

Carle Foundation Hospital (Vermilion)

Danville, IL

Open and Accepting

Cancer Care Specialists of IL - Cancer Care Center of Decatur

Decatur, IL

Open and Accepting

Memorial Health - Decatur Memorial Hospital Memorial Health

Decatur, IL

Open and Accepting

Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center (Kishwaukee)

DeKalb, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare-Dixon

Dixon, IL

Open and Accepting

Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital

Downers Grove, IL

Open and Accepting

Carle (Effingham)

Effingham, IL

Open and Accepting

Cancer Care Specialists (Crossroads Cancer Center)

Effingham, IL

Open and Accepting

Advocate Sherman Hospital

Elgin, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare (Eureka)

Eureka, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare (Galesburg)

Galesburg, IL

Open and Accepting

Western Illinois Cancer Treatment Center

Galesburg, IL

Open and Accepting

Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center Delnor

Geneva, IL

Open and Accepting

Advocate South Suburban Hospital

Hazel Crest, IL

Open and Accepting

Loyola Medicine Homer Glen

Homer Glen, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare (Kewanee)

Kewanee, IL

Open and Accepting

Condell Memorial Hospital

Libertyville, IL

Open and Accepting

AMG Libertyville - Oncology

Libertyville, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare (Macomb)

Macomb, IL

Open and Accepting

Carle Foundation Hospital (Mattoon)

Mattoon, IL

Open and Accepting

Loyola University Medical Center Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center

Maywood, IL

Open and Accepting

Marjorie Weinberg Cancer Center at Loyola-Gottlieb

Melrose Park, IL

Open and Accepting

Good Samaritan Regional Health Center

Mount Vernon, IL

Open and Accepting

HSHS Saint Elizabeth's Hospital

O'Fallon, IL

Open and Accepting

Cancer Care Center of O'Fallon

O'Fallon, IL

Open and Accepting

Advocate Christ Medical Center

Oak Lawn, IL

Open and Accepting

Loyola Center for Cancer Care and Research

Orland Park, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare - Fox River Cancer Center

Ottawa, IL

Open and Accepting

Advocate Lutheran General Hospital

Park Ridge, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare - Pekin

Pekin, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare - Peoria

Peoria, IL

Open and Accepting

Methodist Medical Center of Illinois

Peoria, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare - Peru In Valley Regional Cancer Center

Peru, IL

Open and Accepting

US Oncology - Valley Regional Cancer Center

Peru, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare - Princeton

Princeton, IL

Open and Accepting

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine - Simmons Cancer Institute

Springfield, IL

Open and Accepting

Springfield Clinic Main Campus East

Springfield, IL

Open and Accepting

Memorial Medical Center

Springfield, IL

Open and Accepting

Carle Cancer Institute

Urbana, IL

Open and Accepting

Northwestern Medicine Cancer Center Warrenville

Warrenville, IL

Open and Accepting

Illinois CancerCare - Washington

Washington, IL

Open and Accepting

Rush - Copley Healthcare Center

Yorkville, IL

Open and Accepting


IU Health Hematology & Oncology IU Health North Hospital

Carmel, IN

Not Yet Accepting

Simon Cancer Center Indiana University

Indianapolis, IN

Open and Accepting

IU Health Methodist Hospital Indiana University

Indianapolis, IN

Not Yet Accepting

Reid Health

Richmond, IN

Open and Accepting


Mary Greeley Medical Center

Ames, IA

Open and Accepting

McFarland Clinic PC

Ames, IA

Open and Accepting

Mission Cancer & Blood

Ankeny, IA

Open and Accepting

McFarland Clinic PC (Boone)

Boone, IA

Open and Accepting

Saint Anthony Regional Hospital

Carroll, IA

Open and Accepting

Oncology Associates at Hall-Perrine Cancer Center Mercy Cedar Rapids

Cedar Rapids, IA

Open and Accepting

Mission Cancer & Blood (Clive) In Clive Cancer Center

Clive, IA

Open and Accepting

MercyOne Clive Cancer Center

Clive, IA

Open and Accepting

Alegent Health Mercy Hospital

Council Bluffs, IA

Temporarily Suspended

Greater Regional Medical Center

Creston, IA

Open and Accepting

Broadlawns Medical Center

Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting

Mission Cancer MercyOne Cancer Center (Laurel)

Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting

MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center

Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting

Iowa Lutheran Hospital

Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting

Mission Cancer and Blood - Des Moines

Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting

UnityPoint Health - Iowa Methodist Medical Center

Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting

McFarland Clinic Trinity Cancer Center

Fort Dodge, IA

Open and Accepting

UnityPoint Health - Trinity Regional Medical Center

Fort Dodge, IA

Open and Accepting

McFarland Clinic PC (Jefferson)

Jefferson, IA

Open and Accepting

McFarland Clinic PC (Marshalltown)

Marshalltown, IA

Open and Accepting

MercyOne Siouxland Medical Center

Sioux City, IA

Open and Accepting

UnityPoint Health - Methodist West Hospital

West Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting

MercyOne West Des Moines Medical Center

West Des Moines, IA

Open and Accepting


Cancer Center of Kansas (Chanute)

Chanute, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Dodge City)

Dodge City, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (El Dorado)

El Dorado, KS

Open and Accepting

Central Care Cancer Center (Heartland)

Garden City, KS

Open and Accepting

Central Care Cancer Center - Great Bend

Great Bend, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Independence)

Independence, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Kingman)

Kingman, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Liberal)

Liberal, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Manhattan)

Manhattan, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (McPherson)

McPherson, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Newton)

Newton, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Parsons)

Parsons, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Pratt)

Pratt, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas - Salina

Salina, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Wellington)

Wellington, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas - Medical Arts Tower

Wichita, KS

Open and Accepting

Ascension Via Christi Regional Medical Center

Wichita, KS

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Kansas (Winfield)

Winfield, KS

Open and Accepting


Flaget Memorial Hospital

Bardstown, KY

Open and Accepting

Commonwealth Cancer Center (Corbin)

Corbin, KY

Open and Accepting

Saint Joseph Hospital

Lexington, KY

Open and Accepting

Saint Joseph Hospital East

Lexington, KY

Open and Accepting

Saint Joseph (London)

London, KY

Open and Accepting

U of L - Brown Cancer Center University of Louisville Jewish Hospital

Louisville, KY

Open and Accepting

Saints Mary and Elizabeth Hospital

Louisville, KY

Temporarily Suspended

Jewish Hospital Medical Center Northeast

Louisville, KY

Temporarily Suspended

Saint Joseph Mount Sterling

Mount Sterling, KY

Open and Accepting

Jewish Hospital Medical Center South

Shepherdsville, KY

Temporarily Suspended


Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center

Baton Rouge, LA

Open and Accepting

LSU Health Baton Rouge (North Clinic)

Baton Rouge, LA

Open and Accepting

Ochsner LSU Health Monroe Medical Center

Monroe, LA

Open and Accepting

Ochsner LSU Health Shreveport Ochsner Louisiana State University

Shreveport, LA

Open and Accepting


Holy Cross Hospital

Wheaton, MD

Open and Accepting


Tufts Medical Center Cancer Center

Boston, MA

Open and Accepting


ProMedica Hickman Cancer Center Grace Christman Medical Building

Adrian, MI

Open and Accepting

Trinity Health Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, MI

Open and Accepting

Bronson Battle Creek Cancer Care Center

Battle Creek, MI

Open and Accepting

St. Joseph Mercy Brighton Health Center

Brighton, MI

Open and Accepting

IHA Hematology Oncology at St. Joe's Brighton

Brighton, MI

Open and Accepting

St. Joseph Mercy Canton Health Center

Canton, MI

Open and Accepting

Caro Cancer Center

Caro, MI

Open and Accepting

Chelsea Hospital Michigan Cancer Research Consortium

Chelsea, MI

Open and Accepting

IHA Hematology Oncology at St. Joe's Chelsea

Chelsea, MI

Open and Accepting

Newland Medical Associates of Clarkston

Clarkston, MI

Open and Accepting

Hematology Oncology Consultants (Clarkston)

Clarkston, MI

Open and Accepting

Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists (Doctors Park)

East China, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute

Flint, MI

Open and Accepting

Hurley Medical Center

Flint, MI

Open and Accepting

The Cancer & Hematology Centers

Flint, MI

Open and Accepting

Genesee Hematology Oncology, PC - Michigan Cancer Research Consortium

Flint, MI

Open and Accepting

Mercy Health Saint Mary's

Grand Rapids, MI

Open and Accepting

Spectrum Health

Grand Rapids, MI

Open and Accepting

Trinity Health Grand Rapids Hospital

Grand Rapids, MI

Open and Accepting

Helen DeVos Children's Hospital

Grand Rapids, MI

Open and Accepting

Cancer Research Consortium of West Michigan - Spectrum Health Butterworth

Grand Rapids, MI

Open and Accepting

Ascension Medical Group Michigan Breast Specialists

Grosse Pointe Woods, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Academic Hematology Oncology Specialists Ascension St. John Hospital

Grosse Pointe Woods, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Bronson Methodist Hospital

Kalamazoo, MI

Open and Accepting

West Michigan Cancer Center

Kalamazoo, MI

Open and Accepting

Borgess Medical Center

Kalamazoo, MI

Open and Accepting

Sparrow Hospital

Lansing, MI

Open and Accepting

McLaren Greater Lansing - Mid-Michigan Physicians

Lansing, MI

Open and Accepting

St. Mary Mercy Hospital St. Joe's Health

Livonia, MI

Open and Accepting

Michigan Breast Specialists-Macomb Township

Macomb, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists (Macomb Medical Campus)

Macomb, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Toledo Clinic Cancer Centers (Monroe)

Monroe, MI

Open and Accepting

Trinity Health Muskegon Hospital

Muskegon, MI

Open and Accepting

Lakeland Community Hospital

Niles, MI

Open and Accepting

Cancer & Hematology Centers of Western Michigan - Muskegon

Norton Shores, MI

Open and Accepting

Assarian Cancer Center Ascension Providence Hospital

Novi, MI

Open and Accepting

St. Joseph Mercy (Oakland)

Pontiac, MI

Open and Accepting

Newland Medical Associates (Pontiac) The Alice Gustafson Center

Pontiac, MI

Open and Accepting

Spectrum Health Reed City Hospital

Reed City, MI

Open and Accepting

Great Lakes Cancer Management Specialists (Rochester Hills)

Rochester Hills, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Ascension St. Mary's Hospital

Saginaw, MI

Open and Accepting

Oncology Hematology Associates of Saginaw Valley PC

Saginaw, MI

Open and Accepting

Ascension Providence Cancer Center (Foster Winter Drive)

Southfield, MI

Open and Accepting

Spectrum Health Lakeland Medical Center

St. Joseph, MI

Open and Accepting

Spectrum Health Marie Yeager Cancer Center

St. Joseph, MI

Open and Accepting

Bhadresh Nayak MD PC - Sterling Heights

Sterling Heights, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Ascension Saint Joseph Hospital

Tawas City, MI

Open and Accepting

Munson Medical Center

Traverse City, MI

Open and Accepting

Ascension Macomb-Oakland Hospital - Webber Cancer Center

Warren, MI

Open and Accepting

Michigan Breast Specialists-Warren

Warren, MI

Temporarily Suspended

Michigan Cancer Research Consortium - Advanced Breast Care Center PLLC

Warren, MI

Temporarily Suspended

University of Michigan Health - West

Wyoming, MI

Open and Accepting

Trinity Health Ann Arbor Hospital

Ypsilanti, MI

Open and Accepting

Huron Gastroenterology PC

Ypsilanti, MI

Open and Accepting


Sanford Clinic North-Bemidgi

Bemidji, MN

Open and Accepting

M Health Fairview Ridges Hospital

Burnsville, MN

Temporarily Suspended

Minnesota Oncology - Burnsville

Burnsville, MN

Open and Accepting

Cambridge Medical Center

Cambridge, MN

Open and Accepting

Mercy Hospital

Coon Rapids, MN

Open and Accepting

Fairview Southdale Hospital

Edina, MN

Open and Accepting

Fairview Maple Grove Medical Center

Maple Grove, MN

Open and Accepting

Minnesota Oncology Maplewood Cancer Center

Maplewood, MN

Open and Accepting

M Health Fairview St. John's Hospital

Maplewood, MN

Open and Accepting

Abbott-Northwestern Hospital Allina Health Cancer Institute

Minneapolis, MN

Open and Accepting

Hennepin County Medical Center

Minneapolis, MN

Open and Accepting

Health Partners Inc.

Minneapolis, MN

Open and Accepting

Monticello Cancer Center

Monticello, MN

Open and Accepting

New Ulm Medical Center

New Ulm, MN

Open and Accepting

Fairview Northland Medical Center

Princeton, MN

Open and Accepting

North Memorial Medical Health Center

Robbinsdale, MN

Open and Accepting

Mayo Clinic (Rochester)

Rochester, MN

Open and Accepting

Saint Francis Regional Medical Center

Shakopee, MN

Open and Accepting

Coborn Cancer Center at Saint Cloud Hospital

St. Cloud, MN

Open and Accepting

Park Nicollet Specialty Center at Methodist Hospital

St. Louis Park, MN

Open and Accepting

Park Nicollet Clinic

St. Louis Park, MN

Open and Accepting

Regions Hospital

St. Paul, MN

Open and Accepting

United Hospital

St. Paul, MN

Open and Accepting

Lakeview Hospital

Stillwater, MN

Open and Accepting

Sanford Thief River Falls Medical Center

Thief River Falls, MN

Open and Accepting

Ridgeview Medical Center

Waconia, MN

Open and Accepting

Rice Memorial Hospital

Willmar, MN

Open and Accepting

Minnesota Oncology and Hematology PA (Woodbury)

Woodbury, MN

Open and Accepting

Fairview Lakes Medical Center

Wyoming, MN

Open and Accepting


Saint Louis Cancer and Breast Institute

Ballwin, MO

Open and Accepting

Central Care Cancer Center

Bolivar, MO

Open and Accepting

CoxHealth Cancer Center

Branson, MO

Open and Accepting

Saint Francis Medical Center (Cape Girardeau)

Cape Girardeau, MO

Open and Accepting

Southeast Cancer Center Southeast Health

Cape Girardeau, MO

Open and Accepting

St. Luke's Hospital

Chesterfield, MO

Open and Accepting

Parkland Health Center (Farmington)

Farmington, MO

Open and Accepting

Capital Region Medical Center (Goldschmidt Cancer Center)

Jefferson City, MO

Temporarily Suspended

Freeman Cornell-Beshore Cancer Institute

Joplin, MO

Open and Accepting

Mercy Hospital Joplin

Joplin, MO

Open and Accepting

Lake Regional Hospital

Osage Beach, MO

Open and Accepting

Mercy Clinic Cancer and Hematology (Rolla)

Rolla, MO

Open and Accepting

Sainte Genevieve County Memorial Hospital

Sainte Genevieve, MO

Open and Accepting

Mercy Hospital Springfield

Springfield, MO

Open and Accepting

CoxHealth South Hospital Cox Medical Center South

Springfield, MO

Open and Accepting

Heartland Regional Medical Center

St. Joseph, MO

Open and Accepting

Saint Louis Cancer and Breast Institute (South City)

St. Louis, MO

Open and Accepting

Mercy Hospital South

St. Louis, MO

Open and Accepting

Missouri Baptist Medical Cancer Center

St. Louis, MO

Open and Accepting

Mercy Hospital St. Louis David C. Pratt Cancer Center

St. Louis, MO

Open and Accepting

Missouri Baptist Sullivan Hospital

Sullivan, MO

Open and Accepting

Missouri Baptist Outpatient Center (Sunset Hills)

Sunset Hills, MO

Open and Accepting

Mercy Hospital Washington

Washington, MO

Open and Accepting


Community Hospital of Anaconda

Anaconda, MT

Open and Accepting

Billings Clinic Cancer Center

Billings, MT

Open and Accepting

Bozeman Deaconess Hospital

Bozeman, MT

Open and Accepting

Benefis Sletten Cancer Institute

Great Falls, MT

Open and Accepting

Great Falls Clinic Specialty Center

Great Falls, MT

Open and Accepting

Kalispell Regional Medical Center

Kalispell, MT

Open and Accepting

Providence St. Patrick Hospital

Missoula, MT

Open and Accepting

Community Medical Hospital

Missoula, MT

Open and Accepting


CHI Health St. Francis

Grand Island, NE

Open and Accepting

Nebraska Cancer Specialists (Grand Island)

Grand Island, NE

Temporarily Suspended

CHI Health Good Samaritan Hospital

Kearney, NE

Open and Accepting

CHI Health St. Elizabeth St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center

Lincoln, NE

Temporarily Suspended

Cancer Partners of Nebraska

Lincoln, NE

Open and Accepting

CHI Health Immanuel Medical Center

Omaha, NE

Open and Accepting

CHI Henry Lynch Cancer Center at CUMC Bergan

Omaha, NE

Open and Accepting

CHI Health Lakeside Hospital

Omaha, NE

Open and Accepting

CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center

Omaha, NE

Open and Accepting

CHI Health Midlands

Papillion, NE

Temporarily Suspended

New Jersey

Morristown Medical Center Atlantic Health System

Morristown, NJ

Open and Accepting

Overlook Hospital

Summit, NJ

Open and Accepting

New Mexico

University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center

Albuquerque, NM

Open and Accepting

New York

Hematology-Oncology Associates of Central New York, PC

East Syracuse, NY

Open and Accepting

SUNY Upstate Medical University State University of New York

Syracuse, NY

Open and Accepting

North Carolina

Southeastern Medical Oncology Center (Clinton)

Clinton, NC

Open and Accepting

Southeastern Medical Oncology Center (Goldsboro)

Goldsboro, NC

Open and Accepting

East Carolina University Vidant Cancer Care Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Tower

Greenville, NC

Open and Accepting

Southeastern Medical Oncology Center (Jacksonville)

Jacksonville, NC

Open and Accepting

Vidant Oncology (Kenansville)

Kenansville, NC

Open and Accepting

Vidant Oncology - Kinston

Kinston, NC

Open and Accepting

Vidant Oncology (Richlands)

Richlands, NC

Open and Accepting

North Dakota

Sanford Bismarck Medical Center Bismarck Cancer Center

Bismarck, ND

Open and Accepting

Sanford Medical Center - Broadway

Fargo, ND

Open and Accepting

Sanford Roger Maris Cancer Center

Fargo, ND

Open and Accepting

Sanford North Fargo Clinic

Fargo, ND

Open and Accepting

Sanford Medical Center - Southpointe

Fargo, ND

Open and Accepting

Essentia Health Cancer Center - South University Clinic (Fargo)

Fargo, ND

Open and Accepting


Soin Medical Center Kettering Health Cancer Center

Beavercreek, OH

Open and Accepting

Strecker Cancer Center (Belpre)

Belpre, OH

Open and Accepting

Saint Elizabeth Boardman Hospital

Boardman, OH

Open and Accepting

Adena Regional Medical Center

Chillicothe, OH

Open and Accepting

Barrett Cancer Center University of Cincinnati Health

Cincinnati, OH

Open and Accepting

TriHealth Cancer Institute (Good Samaritan Hospital)

Cincinnati, OH

Open and Accepting

Oncology Hematology Care Inc. (Kenwood)

Cincinnati, OH

Open and Accepting

TriHealth Bethesda North Hospital

Cincinnati, OH

Open and Accepting

MetroHealth Medical Center

Cleveland, OH

Open and Accepting

Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center

Cleveland, OH

Open and Accepting

Columbus Oncology and Hematology Associates

Columbus, OH

Open and Accepting

OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital

Columbus, OH

Open and Accepting

OhioHealth Grant Medical Center

Columbus, OH

Open and Accepting

The Mark H. Zangmeister Center

Columbus, OH

Open and Accepting

Mount Carmel Health Center West

Columbus, OH

Open and Accepting

Doctors Hospital

Columbus, OH

Open and Accepting

Dayton Physicians, LLC Miami Valley Hospital South

Dayton, OH

Open and Accepting

Miami Valley Hospital

Dayton, OH

Open and Accepting

Greater Dayton Cancer Center Dayton Physicians

Dayton, OH

Open and Accepting

Miami Valley Hospital North Premier Health

Dayton, OH

Open and Accepting

OhioHealth Grady Memorial Hospital Cancer Center

Delaware, OH

Open and Accepting

Dublin Methodist Hospital

Dublin, OH

Open and Accepting

Blanchard Valley Hospital Orion Cancer Center

Findlay, OH

Open and Accepting

Armes Family Cancer Center

Findlay, OH

Open and Accepting

TriHealth Cancer Institute (Anderson)

Forestville, OH

Open and Accepting

Dayton Physicians (Atrium Medical Center)

Franklin, OH

Open and Accepting

Central Ohio Breast and Endocrine Surgery

Gahanna, OH

Open and Accepting

Wayne Healthcare

Greenville, OH

Open and Accepting

Dayton Physicians LLC-Wayne

Greenville, OH

Open and Accepting

Zangmeister Center Grove City

Grove City, OH

Open and Accepting

Mount Carmel Grove City Hospital

Grove City, OH

Open and Accepting

Kettering Cancer Care

Kettering, OH

Open and Accepting

Fairfield Medical Center

Lancaster, OH

Open and Accepting

Saint Rita's Medical Center

Lima, OH

Open and Accepting

OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital

Mansfield, OH

Open and Accepting

Marietta Memorial Hospital

Marietta, OH

Open and Accepting

OhioHealth Marion General Hospital

Marion, OH

Open and Accepting

Memorial Hospital

Marysville, OH

Open and Accepting

Toledo Clinic Cancer Centers

Maumee, OH

Open and Accepting

Premier Health Atrium Medical Center - Middletown

Middletown, OH

Open and Accepting

Knox Community Hospital

Mount Vernon, OH

Open and Accepting

Mount Carmel New Albany Surgical Hospital

New Albany, OH

Open and Accepting

Licking Memorial Hospital

Newark, OH

Open and Accepting

Newark Radiation Oncology

Newark, OH

Open and Accepting

Mercy Health Perrysburg Cancer Center

Perrysburg, OH

Open and Accepting

Southern Ohio Medical Center

Portsmouth, OH

Open and Accepting

Dayton Physicians (Wilson Memorial Hospital)

Sidney, OH

Open and Accepting

Springfield Regional Medical Center

Springfield, OH

Open and Accepting

Saint Vincent Mercy Medical Center

Toledo, OH

Open and Accepting

Mercy Health - St. Anne Hospital

Toledo, OH

Open and Accepting

Toledo Clinic Cancer Centers - Toledo

Toledo, OH

Open and Accepting

Dayton Physicians - Upper Valley Medical Center

Troy, OH

Open and Accepting

Premier Health Upper Valley Medical Center

Troy, OH

Open and Accepting

Saint Joseph Warren Hospital

Warren, OH

Open and Accepting

University of Cincinnati Medical Center - West Chester Hospital

West Chester Township, OH

Open and Accepting

Saint Ann's Hospital

Westerville, OH

Open and Accepting

TriHealth Cancer Institute (Westside)

White Oak, OH

Open and Accepting

Mount Carmel Health Center (East)

Whitehall, OH

Open and Accepting

Clinton Memorial Hospital

Wilmington, OH

Open and Accepting

Saint Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital

Youngstown, OH

Open and Accepting

Genesis HealthCare System

Zanesville, OH

Open and Accepting


Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City, OK

Open and Accepting


Saint Alphonsus Medical Center (Baker City)

Baker City, OR

Open and Accepting

St. Charles (Bend Campus)

Bend, OR

Open and Accepting

Clackamas Radiation Oncology Center

Clackamas, OR

Open and Accepting

Providence Cancer Institute Clackamas Clinic

Clackamas, OR

Open and Accepting

Bay Area Hospital

Coos Bay, OR

Open and Accepting

Providence Newberg Medical Center

Newberg, OR

Open and Accepting

Saint Alphonsus Medical Center (Ontario)

Ontario, OR

Open and Accepting

Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center

Oregon City, OR

Open and Accepting

Oregon Health and Science University OHSU Knight Cancer Institute

Portland, OR

Open and Accepting

Saint Charles Health System (Redmond)

Redmond, OR

Open and Accepting


Lehigh Valley Health Network Cancer Institute

Allentown, PA

Open and Accepting

Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest

Allentown, PA

Open and Accepting

Lehigh Valley Hospital - Muhlenberg

Bethlehem, PA

Open and Accepting

Geisinger Medical Center - Danville

Danville, PA

Open and Accepting

Pocono Medical Center

East Stroudsburg, PA

Open and Accepting

Lehigh Valley Hospital - Hazleton

Hazleton, PA

Open and Accepting

Geisinger - Hazleton Cancer Center

Hazleton, PA

Open and Accepting

Penn State Hershey Medical Center

Hershey, PA

Open and Accepting

Geisinger Medical Oncology (Evangelical Community Hospital)

Lewisburg, PA

Open and Accepting

Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Philadelphia, PA

Open and Accepting

Geisinger Medical Oncology (Pottsville)

Pottsville, PA

Open and Accepting

St. Joseph Medical Center Penn State Health

Reading, PA

Open and Accepting

Tower Health Reading Hospital

West Reading, PA

Open and Accepting

Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center Henry Cancer Center

Wilkes-Barre, PA

Open and Accepting

Rhode Island

Smilow Cancer Hospital

Westerly, RI

Open and Accepting

South Carolina

Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center VA Charleston

Charleston, SC

Open and Accepting

Medical University of South Carolina

Charleston, SC

Open and Accepting

Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital (Downtown)

Greenville, SC

Open and Accepting

Saint Francis Hospital Cancer Center

Greenville, SC

Open and Accepting


Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Henry-Joyce Cancer Clinic

Nashville, TN

Open and Accepting


St. Joseph Regional Cancer Center

Bryan, TX

Temporarily Suspended


Huntsman Cancer Institute University of Utah

Salt Lake City, UT

Open and Accepting


UVA Cancer Center University of Virginia Health System

Charlottesville, VA

Open and Accepting

Inova Fairfax Medical Hospital Inova Schar Cancer Institute

Falls Church, VA

Open and Accepting

Centra Alan B Pearson Regional Cancer Center

Lynchburg, VA

Open and Accepting


Providence Regional Cancer System (Aberdeen)

Aberdeen, WA

Open and Accepting

PeaceHealth Medical Group

Bellingham, WA

Open and Accepting

St. Michael - Harrison Medical Center

Bremerton, WA

Open and Accepting

Highline Medical Center (Main Campus)

Burien, WA

Temporarily Suspended

Providence Regional Cancer System (Centralia)

Centralia, WA

Open and Accepting

Swedish Cancer Institute Swedish Edmonds Campus

Edmonds, WA

Open and Accepting

Saint Elizabeth Hospital

Enumclaw, WA

Temporarily Suspended

Providence Everett Medical Center

Everett, WA

Open and Accepting

Saint Francis Hospital

Federal Way, WA

Temporarily Suspended

Swedish Cancer Institute

Issaquah, WA

Open and Accepting

Kadlec Clinic Hematology and Oncology

Kennewick, WA

Open and Accepting

Providence Regional Cancer System (Lacey)

Lacey, WA

Open and Accepting

Saint Clare Hospital - CHI Franciscan Health

Lakewood, WA

Temporarily Suspended

Saint John Medical Center

Longview, WA

Open and Accepting

Skagit Regional Health Care Center

Mount Vernon, WA

Open and Accepting

Swedish Medical Center (Ballard Campus)

Seattle, WA

Open and Accepting

Swedish - First Hill Campus

Seattle, WA

Open and Accepting

Swedish Cancer Institute - Cherry Hill Campus

Seattle, WA

Open and Accepting

PeaceHealth United General Medical Center

Sedro-Woolley, WA

Open and Accepting

Providence Regional Cancer System (Shelton)

Shelton, WA

Open and Accepting

St. Michael Cancer Center Virginia Mason Franciscan Health

Silverdale, WA

Open and Accepting

Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Research Center (Tacoma) CHI Franciscan

Tacoma, WA

Temporarily Suspended

PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center

Vancouver, WA

Open and Accepting

Providence St. Mary Regional Cancer Center

Walla Walla, WA

Open and Accepting

Providence Regional Cancer System (Yelm)

Yelm, WA

Open and Accepting

West Virginia

WVU Charleston

Charleston, WV

Open and Accepting


ThedaCare Regional Cancer Center

Appleton, WI

Open and Accepting

Ascension Southeast Wisconsin Hospital-Elmbrook Campus

Brookfield, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Cancer Care - Burlington

Burlington, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Clinic (Chippewa Center)

Chippewa Falls, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Saint Luke's South Shore

Cudahy, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Medical Center Cancer Center - Eau Claire

Eau Claire, WI

Open and Accepting

HSHS Sacred Heart Hospital

Eau Claire, WI

Open and Accepting

Ascension Saint Francis-Reiman Cancer Center

Franklin, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Health Care - Germantown Health Center - Advocate Aurora Healthcare

Germantown, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Cancer Care (Grafton)

Grafton, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora BayCare Medical Center

Green Bay, WI

Open and Accepting

Green Bay Oncology (HSHS St. Vincent Hospital) Saint Vincent Hospital

Green Bay, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Cancer Care - Kenosha South

Kenosha, WI

Open and Accepting

Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center

La Crosse, WI

Open and Accepting

Mayo Clinic Health System (La Crosse)

La Crosse, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Clinic (Ladysmith Center)

Ladysmith, WI

Open and Accepting

Dean Hematology and Oncology Clinic

Madison, WI

Open and Accepting

William S Middleton VA Medical Center

Madison, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Medical Center - Medical Offices Building

Marshfield, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Medical Center - Hospital

Marshfield, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Cancer Care

Milwaukee, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center

Milwaukee, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Sinai Medical Center - Advocate Aurora Healthcare

Milwaukee, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Cancer Care - Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Clinic (Minocqua Center)

Minocqua, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Cancer Care - Racine

Mount Pleasant, WI

Open and Accepting

D. N. Greenwald Center

Mukwonago, WI

Open and Accepting

ThedaCare Regional Medical Center - Neenah

Neenah, WI

Open and Accepting

Cancer Center of Western Wisconsin

New Richmond, WI

Open and Accepting

ProHealth Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital

Oconomowoc, WI

Open and Accepting

Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic (Summit) Aurora Health

Oconomowoc, WI

Open and Accepting

HSHS St. Vincent Hospital Cancer Centers at HSHS St. Clare Hospital

Oconto Falls, WI

Open and Accepting

Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic - Oshkosh

Oshkosh, WI

Open and Accepting

Wheaton Franciscan Cancer Care - All Saints

Racine, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Clinic (Rice Lake Center)

Rice Lake, WI

Open and Accepting

Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic - Sheboygan

Sheboygan, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Clinic Cancer Care (Saint Michael's Hospital)

Stevens Point, WI

Open and Accepting

Saint Vincent Hospital Cancer Center at Sturgeon Bay

Sturgeon Bay, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Medical Center in Summit

Summit, WI

Open and Accepting

Ascension Columbia St. Mary's Hospital - Ozaukee

Thiensville, WI

Open and Accepting

Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic

Two Rivers, WI

Open and Accepting

ProHealth Waukesha Memorial Hospital

Waukesha, WI

Open and Accepting

UW Cancer Center at ProHealth Care

Waukesha, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Clinic (Wausau Center)

Wausau, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora Cancer Care - Milwaukee West - Advocate Aurora Healthcare

Wauwatosa, WI

Open and Accepting

Ascension Medical Group Southeast Wisconsin-Mayfair Road

Wauwatosa, WI

Open and Accepting

Aurora West Allis Medical Center

West Allis, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Medical Center St. Clare's Hospital

Weston, WI

Open and Accepting

Marshfield Clinic - Wisconsin Rapids

Wisconsin Rapids, WI

Open and Accepting


Billings Clinic (Cody)

Cody, WY

Open and Accepting

Welch Cancer Center

Sheridan, WY

Open and Accepting
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