The goal of this trial is to see whether a test based on a new technology which assesses tumor cell mass accumulation rate (MAR) can help to predict how patients with relapsed/refractory disease will respond to multiple myeloma treatments.
SparkCures ID | 1037 |
Trial Phase | Observational Trial |
Enrollment | 33 Patients |
Trial Sponsors |
Trial Collaborators |
NCT Identifier |
The following criteria is a partial list of reasons why patients may or may not be eligible to participate in this clinical trial. Further evaluation with a medical professional will be required to determine full eligibility.
The following criteria is provided for health care professionals.
Inclusion Criteria:
*For patients in the Vanguard cohort*
1. Treatment naïve disease with BM clinically indicated
*For patients in the RRMM cohort*
Exclusion Criteria:
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October 23, 2019
Can you tell how well a myeloma treatment might work on your personal tumor by weighing the cancer cells? Clifford Reid, PhD and CEO of Travera shares a new approach to “personalized medicine” in multiple myeloma.
SparkCures is working closely with Travera LLC to provide the most up-to-date information on this clinical trial. Use the button above to add this trial to your list of favorites.
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