Mass Accumulation Rate (MAR) as a Predictive Biomarker for Treatment Selection in Multiple Myeloma



The goal of this trial is to see whether a test based on a new technology which assesses tumor cell mass accumulation rate (MAR) can help to predict how patients with relapsed/refractory disease will respond to multiple myeloma treatments.

SparkCures ID 1037
Trial Phase Observational Trial
Enrollment 33 Patients
Trial Sponsors
  • Travera LLC
Trial Collaborators
  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Weill Cornell
  • City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
NCT Identifier


Am I Eligible?

The following criteria is a partial list of reasons why patients may or may not be eligible to participate in this clinical trial. Further evaluation with a medical professional will be required to determine full eligibility.

The following criteria is provided for health care professionals.

Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Written Informed Consent provided by patient
  2. MM, with the following conditions:

*For patients in the Vanguard cohort*

1. Treatment naïve disease with BM clinically indicated

*For patients in the RRMM cohort*

  1. Relapsed/refractory disease with BM samples clinically indicated
  2. Within 4-weeks prior to initiation of 2nd-line or later therapy
  3. Proceeding onto one of the following combination therapies [bortezomib (V), carfilzomib (K), lenalidomide (R), pomalidomide (P), cyclophosphamide (C), dexamethasone (d), ixazomib (I)]: RVd, VCd, KRd, PVd, KPd, Rd, Pd, Kd, IPd, IRd, RCd, PCd, venetoclax, Vd + venetoclax, Kd + venetoclax, selinexor+d

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Unable or unwilling to provide informed consent
  2. Daratumumab/Elotuzumab or other antibody-based therapeutic regimens as immediately planned treatment (as prior therapy is acceptable)
  3. Clinical trial with non-commercial relapsed/refractory samples as immediately planned treatment
  4. Prior exposure to chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy
  5. Prior allogeneic stem cell transplant
  6. Has received any systemic chemotherapy or radiation therapy (RT), including palliative, within 7 days prior to BM biopsy
  7. Has received any Ab therapy within 4 weeks prior to BM biopsy

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Weighing Cancer Cells for Personalized Myeloma Therapy with Clifford Reid, PhD, Travera

October 23, 2019

Can you tell how well a myeloma treatment might work on your personal tumor by weighing the cancer cells? Clifford Reid, PhD and CEO of Travera shares a new approach to “personalized medicine” in multiple myeloma.

Read more
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