Defining the Clinical Potential of Mass Response as a Biomarker for Patient Tumor Sensitivity to Drugs


The primary objective of this study, sponsored by Travera LLC in Massachusetts, is to validate whether the mass response biomarker has potential to predict response of patients to specific therapies or therapeutic combinations using isolated tumor cells from varying cancers and biopsy formats.

SparkCures ID 1207
Trial Phase Observational Trial
Enrollment 630 Patients
  • Observational
Trial Sponsors
  • Travera LLC
NCT Identifier


Am I Eligible?

The following criteria is a partial list of reasons why patients may or may not be eligible to participate in this clinical trial. Further evaluation with a medical professional will be required to determine full eligibility.

The following criteria is provided for health care professionals.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Biopsy of tumor is clinically indicated as part of SOC
  • Prior to preceding onto therapy for treatment

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Unable to obtain sufficient sample

US Trial Locations

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